
From the first pilot initiatives in the early 1990s to the national OSIAP survey in the 2020s: More than 30years of insight in medication diversion phenomenon in France.

Maryse Lapeyre-Mestre, Florence Fabre, Emilie Jouanjus, The French Addictovigilance Network From the first pilot initiatives in the early 1990s to the national OSIAP survey in the 2020s: More than 30years of insight in medication diversion phenomenon in France,Therapies, 2024, ISSN 0040-5957, L’article est disponible en accès libre jusqu’au 28 décembre 2024 en cliquant sur ce lien :

From the first pilot initiatives in the early 1990s to the national OSIAP survey in the 2020s: More than 30years of insight in medication diversion phenomenon in France. Lire la suite »

Trends in fatal poisoning among medical users of analgesics in France from 2013 to 2022: an analysis of the DTA register

Revol, B., Willeman, T., Manceau, M., Dumestre-Toulet, V., Gaulier, J. M., Eysseric-Guérin, H., Fouilhé Sam-Laï, N., & Compagnie Nationale des Biologistes et Analystes Experts (CNBAE), and the French Addictovigilance Network (FAN) (2024). Trends in fatal poisoning among medical users of analgesics in France from 2013 to 2022: an analysis of the DTA register. Public health, 236, 381–385. Advance online publication. 

Trends in fatal poisoning among medical users of analgesics in France from 2013 to 2022: an analysis of the DTA register Lire la suite »

Discordance between pain specialists and patients on the perception of dependence on pain medication: A multi-centre cross-sectional study.

Roussin A, Cissé Z, Rousseau V, Roche G, Lestrade C, Cauchie A, Delage N, Donnet A, Van Obberghen E, Wood C, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Cantagrel N.Therapie. 2024 Apr 12:S0040-5957(24)00043-X. doi: 10.1016/j.therap.2024.01.008. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38653623

Discordance between pain specialists and patients on the perception of dependence on pain medication: A multi-centre cross-sectional study. Lire la suite »

Substance use disorder of equimolar oxygen-nitrous oxide mixture in French sickle-cell patients: results of the PHEDRE study.

Gérardin M, Rousselet M, Couec ML, Masseau A; PHEDRE Group; Aquizerate A, Authier N, Deheul S, Roussin A, Micallef J, Djezzar S; French Addictovigilance Network (FAN); Feuillet F, Jolliet P, Grall-Bronnec M, Victorri-Vigneau C.Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2024 Mar 18;19(1):124. doi: 10.1186/s13023-024-03133-w.PMID: 38500184 Free PMC article.

Substance use disorder of equimolar oxygen-nitrous oxide mixture in French sickle-cell patients: results of the PHEDRE study. Lire la suite »

Evolution of the profiles of new psychotropic drug users before and during the COVID-19 crisis: an original longitudinal approach through multichannel sequence analysis using the French health-care database.

Istvan M, Duval M, Hodel K, Aquizerate A, Chaslerie A, Artarit P, Laforgue EJ, Victorri-Vigneau C.Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2024 Mar 18. doi: 10.1007/s00406-024-01774-3. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38499795

Evolution of the profiles of new psychotropic drug users before and during the COVID-19 crisis: an original longitudinal approach through multichannel sequence analysis using the French health-care database. Lire la suite »

Patterns of ketamine use among people with substance use disorder in France: Multisource analysis of the data from the French Addictovigilance Network.

Gandolfo P, Soeiro T, Jouve É, Revol B, Daveluy A, Bertin C, Eiden C, Gibaja V, Chaouachi L, Pérault-Pochat MC, Chevallier C, Aquizérate A, Le Boisselier R, Carton L, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Frauger É, Lacroix C, Micallef J.Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2024 Feb 19. doi: 10.1111/fcp.12995. Online ahead of print.PMID: 38372190

Patterns of ketamine use among people with substance use disorder in France: Multisource analysis of the data from the French Addictovigilance Network. Lire la suite »

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